Women Painting

1- The mood of the image is very comtemplative and serious. The women are expressing faces of calmness and relaxation. Their posture is erect, and their faces display no signs of distress or worry. The women appear to be at ease with themselves.
2- I imagine that these images were created with real-life women. The eyes and hair appear to be a different texture from the rest of the painting. I think that oil paints were spread all over their bodies to make it seem like they were in a painting.
3- I think that color plays a major role in these pictures because the red background could represent love or great depths of emotion. I don't, however, think it relates to the mood of the women because thy appear to be very calm and lack emotions. Their faces are at ease, while the color of the back displays a fierce tone. Perhaps this is what the women are feeling beneath the surface of their skin. Maybe their inner emotions are that of fire and envy.
4- I think the artist perhaps thought to display the feelings women have within themselves- maybe this was created to show that we might not know how everyone feelings until they express themselves. The face on the women do not appear to be expressing great emotion, but the background color expresses a great deal of emotion. I think this effort is successful because it describes how everyone feels at times. We feel we can't express emotion, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.
