Tax Dollars on Art Classes

 This statement, I feel, lacks any credibility. Training kids to enter the workforce involves teaching them about art, music, sports, etc. There are many professions in these fields, and kids need the proper education for them if they wish to pursue one. It is important to give children knowledge about these areas because it expands their intelligence and helps them grow.
  An artist must be properly trained and educated in art before he can pursue any kind of art career. This art career could include becoming an art teacher, an art curator, a painter, a caricature artist, and so many more! A music career includes being in a symphony, a band, a music teacher, or a music critic... there are so many professions that can be explored, but in order to obtain them, we must be properly educated on how they work.
  There are so many wonderful actors on television nowadays, and they didn't get to where they are now by only going to their mathematical, science, or english classes. They studied the art of acting, and they gained knowledge on how to perfect their skills. If we don't educate the young on how to perform, where will the actor go? We must spend our tax dollars to educate the young for art programs.
