I believe that reflection would deserve an A because I have improved greatly with my skillsof photography. Here is my original post:
1)QUALITY OF YOUR WORK: I believe that the quality of my work has improved drastically throughout the duration of semester one. I reflect upon the work I submitted in my early days of this class, and notice specific errors that I would not be prone to making today. The quality of my work still needs improving, but with more experience and knowledge gained, I will become a better photographer and technician. I have gone above with my works, and i turn in my work on time. I pay attention to all the work that is due, and my images incorporate the contrast, focus, and composition that is expected of me.

EFFORT: In this class, I perform the maximum amount of effort to ensure I become a better photographer and student. I work extremely har to create the most expressive pictures I can. In my works, my effort is shown, for I use creative techniques and out-of-the-box ideas to create the most ideal picture I can. when I come across a challenge, I do not give up... i try my hardest and look for help along the way. I do not avoid a good challenge... I pursue it to make it the best of my abilities.

PARTICIPATION: In all of the projects I have performed, I believe I participate with my fellow classmates to ensure I comprehend the lesson and help the people who are confused or lost along the way. I participate through the use of cooperation in assignments and the submitting of grades that are due.  I turn in all work on time, and I am never late to class.

IMPROVEMENT: I believe that i have improved very much throughout the semester. My work, as stated before, didn't show the same quality of work as it does today. I am very happy to say that my work looks so  much better now than it did when I first began creative photographs in this class! I have grown to be more confident in my abilities as a photographer.

ADJUSTMENT: When I first began this class, I had trouble adjusting to the new techniques that would be used throughout the year. Now, I am well-adapted to the challenges of photographer due to the use of practice and repetition. I have adjusted to photoshop and its multitude of lessons.

2) SUGGESTED ASSIGNMENT: I would suggest that we partake in a project that involves the entire class... maybe we could have a project that requires us to take pictures of our fellow classmates and use photoshop to create a group picture to commemorate the year!

I believe I have adjusted my mistakes, and I have improved greatly!
