1- The general premise of the video is that the mind of society has been poisoned by cellular devices, social media, and the internet. With these factors playing their roles in our everyday lives, we become exponentially ignorant to the real world. People have grown to believe that a society can function properly with ignorance.

  2- The video is effective in conveying its message because it told viewers that with this ignorance we have grown so accustomed to, we are ruining lives and destroying the population. The characters in this film are destroying the lives of others, as well as themselves, with the playing factors of social media and internet.

  3- I think that this is a more cautionary story for society; people are not literally falling off cliffs or watching others die, feeling no remorse, due to their cellphones. However, if we continue missing out on life's beauty and, instead, consume ourselves in the lives of others on social media, we will become ignorant enough to watch the world turn to ruins.
